Mission of Queer Voices Moldova
The LGBTQI+ and queer communities of Moldova are continuously silenced through structural and institutional violence, religious dogmas, and patriarchal traditional values. As a result, there is a lack of queer cultural discourse in Moldova.
Our mission is to create a platform where queer voices can express themselves and be heard, to engage artists of various sexual orientations and gender identities in this dialogue, and open a discussion, including queer perspectives in the cultural life of Moldova.
QV Organizers

MOLDOX Association is an NGO from Moldova that uses socially engaged documentary film to create positive social change, defend human rights and raise awareness about global and local lgbtqi+ issues. The Association has 4 main long-term projects: Queer Voices International Film Festival (3 edtions), Queer Documentary Filmmaking Workshop (3 editions), MOLDOX International Documentary Film Festival for Social Change (5 editions) and MOLDOX Filmmaking Laboratory (5 editions) with 3 intensive 6-day workshops (for beginners, for NGO workers and for upcoming documentary filmmakers).
Since its foundation in 2017, the events organized by MOLDOX Association have attracted large audiences (in average about 500 people for edition of Queer Voices and about 3000 people for each edition of MOLDOX) and it has more than 100 alumni of the filmmaking trainings.

Cinema Queer is the largest lgbtq+ festival in Sweden taking place in Stockholm every year. Cinema Queer presents over 60 creative films to a big swedish audience, arranges club nights, hosts community spaces and curates exhibitions and seminars. The festival’s unique way of experimenting with film screenings in unconventional spaces makes us one of a kind in the world. We have shown film in everything from circus tents and churches to bath houses and roof tops. Cinema Queer is also partner to many international projects. It has sister organisations in Russia, Belarus, China, Mexico and of course Moldova!
QV Partners
Financially supported by

Civil society partners

Media partners